Friday, March 9, 2012

Mark Fields website

Hello All,

All of you visiting this Blog are invited to visit my comprehensive web site at the web address below. On this site you will find various Galleries with as many as 30 different works of art in each Gallery. Please visit the following link and find out about me and my my work! I am grateful to be able to share my enthusiasm.


  1. God its been so long- virtually 2 years or more since I'v had a chance to add to this blog. So much has happened that was traumatic and all of it stopped my creativity in its tracks. I nearly lost my best friend who was very ill and who needed round the clock attention. It was awful for us both. Finally I am getting back to art and photography which is the think I love most except for the people in my life. I am please to announce that some of my work can now be seen at a beautiful gallery in Lambertville NJ called
    its a beautiful gallery and i am pleased to have work there. I am also pleased to announce that I have become a member of The Philadelphia Sketch Club. I've already attended a dinner and a social event there and i look forward to attending more. Soon I will be working to frame 70 or so photographs which will be hanging in one of Philadelphia's premier Condominiums. It will take a month or so to complete the project and it is daunting but I will tackle it with enthusiasm. Now let's see if this will upload and post properly- its been so long I may have forgotten how to do this!!

  2. Hey, it worked. Now I have to watch what I say! Does size matter? I mean in terms of photographic print size. I presently print only as large as 11 x 17. I know of well established photographers who print only up to say 8" x 8" and they have stella careers. I think the commercial market- the gallery world wants artists to conform to meeting commercial requirements and therefore provide photographs in multiple sizes. I dislike the space that large photographs and framing requires, not to mention shipping and storage. I might just limit my images to 11 x 17 and let the cards fall where they might.

  3. The one thing I have finally learned is that sometimes people will love your work and some will not. Some will think you've accomplished something special, some will not. Even people knowledgeable in photography and art will have very different opinions about your work and its better just to not let it bother you. I do care what people think about my work as I want to know whether I am communicating what I've set out to communicate but i no longer take it personally. No let's see if I can figure out how to upload images. 682173_large
