Sunday, January 4, 2009

F.U.E.L, Donna Karan, Muse Gallery Phila.

What does  FUEL in Phila. have in common with Donna Karan ( DKNY) and Muse Gallery in Phila?  Me!!!     FUEL:  Presently I have 9 works of photography at the F.U.E.L collection located at the incredibly beautiful building at 249 Arch Street, Phila. The opening was an experience more like a rock show that that of a hushed  reverent opening at The Philadelphia Orchestra which so many art shows can be like.  For my own work I prefer the quiet, reverent type but this  was what Olde City needs I think.  Its impossible to comment on the  hundreds of works in the show which range from those by seasoned artists like myself and those just getting their feet wet, but its definitely worth the trip to see all thats there.  You will find something to like, hate or simply not understand.. or maybe something to  crave.   DONNA KARAN:  This month one body of my photographs "Hiding in Plain Sight" is being considered by numerous leading NYC curators, Among them Ms. Karan, for inclusion in  a show at The Hearst Corp. headquarters in Manhattan.   I will not know for some time if I am  have been included but you will be the first to know!      Still, whatever happens I find the whole thing exciting.   MUSE GALLERY, Phila.  Jan 7th begins the first day of the Muse Gallery Open Call Small works exhibit.  I have two photographic images in the show- one of them I think and expect will raise a few eye brows.. at least I hope it will.

Come and see and write me as to what you thought about any of the work in the show.  I intend to post images on this Blog. of the reception. Open Call Small Works Exhibit 

52 N 2nd St

Philadelphia, PA 19106

(215) 627-531047 artists submitted 85 works of art for the exhbiition. All of the work will be hung in salon style. 

Exhibition dates: Jan 7, 2009 - Jan 25, 2009 

Reception date: January 9, 2009 from 5 - 8:30 PM