Sunday, December 21, 2008

Testing a new direction.

After an illness that has lasted far too long, I am testing a new direction in my work.  Generally the new work will come in the form of a still life genre, but I use that term very loosely, meaning simply that the objects that will make up these new photographs do not conveniently fit into the idea of "still life'.  Still, it is as good as genre reference as I can come up with.  I am sharing 1 new image here.  There is content in the work that one might call "R" rated but if you look carefully, there is nothing that you would not see on TV, and upon closer examination, there isn't anything at all that is offensive because the any specific reference in the images to sexuality is only suggested. I hope the followers of this blog will comment... either you will hate them, or love them.  And as always, please enjoy my other work at this website:
Thanks,   Mark Fields

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Richard Kagan's "Iron Portraits" at Gallery 339

Although I intend to comment more on the show of photographs at Gallery 339 (Philadelphia) by Richard Kagan, I want to say that they are among the bravest  photographs I have seen in a long time.  Using only minimal means combined with pure technical mastery, Mr. Kagan  reminds us that craftsmanship and artistry can elevate seemingly mundane objects to a near spiritual level. It isn't that the spirituality necessarily exists in the objects but   Mr. Kagan's attention to technical perfection and his persistence in not diluting his vision makes his work a singular point of view that stands out from the crowd.  These photographs are memorable because their power comes  from their interior insistence that you look at them.  The absolute quietness and stillness  in them in a world full of visual and audible screaming speaks more because one has to approach them  in a near meditative way and in this noisy rude world that is a very welcomed thing.  I hope to return to see these iconic works soon. 

Friday, December 12, 2008

Photo Talk Lanuch

I am pleased to create this blog dedicated to Photography, with a special emphasis on Fine Art Photographers who work in Black and White, either with "traditional" means or with the 21st Century "Light room-digital".  If you work in color please feel free to participate as well   I just happen to love B and W.  Most of my own work is in B and W. and I hope you will visit my website as an introduction.  
I invite anyone to contribute images, ideas, show reviews and any other communication that can help those who love photography as much as I.  I hope Photographers in Philadelphia and elsewhere will help connect, help each other and share ideas.
I hope you will visit my site just to become familiar with some of my work    However, I want this site to be a collaborative effort with the emphasis on the work of other photographers and what they  are doing in the field.
Thanks, mark